Support your local hospice and browse an array of carefully selected stalls for the perfect present, all in one place - a fantastic day out for all of the family to enjoy this Christmas.
50+ Stalls (including jewellery, food items, candles, books, accessories, skin and body care, handmade items plus much more!)
4 Shopping rooms
Visit Father Christmas
Festive food and refreshments
Entertainment and Live music
Pris a Awgrymir
Math o Docyn | Pris Tocyn |
Tocyn | £3.00 fesul tocyn |
To manage guests there will be the following time slots:
10am-12pm £3.50 a ticket
12pm-2pm £3.50 a ticket
2pm-4pm £3 a ticket You will not be granted access until 2pm with this ticket
Children ( 12 and under ) FREE
Group Ticket ( 4 Adults) £10.00 (10am-12pm/12pm-2pm) or £8 (2pm-4pm)
Map a Chyfarwyddiadau
Cyfarwyddiadau Ffyrdd
Located just off Parkwall Hill/Chepstow Road on the A48